How To Build Packages

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Required Reading

Review the following articles to get the best results building packages.

  1. Review the Sales Mindset Academy article.
    1. Ensure you and your staff have the right mindset around sales before implementing our consultation strategies.
  1. Review the Sales Strategy Academy article.
    1. This will show you everything that is needed to support your consultations and make it as easy as possible to close sales.

Package Creation Tools

1. The Tailored Treatment Plan

The Tailored Treatment Plan (TTP) is a powerful tool to build packages and them customize them to the individual needs of a client. Click here to see a video walkthrough introducing you to this tool.

How To Access Your Tailored Treatment Plan

  1. Click the “Treatment Plan” link under “Your Resources” in your software sidebar.
    1. Open to see screenshot
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  1. The link to your TTP is also in your Collab Doc under the “Resources” section.
  1. If you want a fresh template, you duplicate the TTP template HERE.
    1. Click “File” → “Make a copy” to make a copy for your own use
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2. Package Database

The Package Database contains an ever-expanding library of recommended packages and upsells. Use the Package Database to help build packages in your Tailored Treatment Plan.

Package Creation Process

Step 1: Browse The Package Database For Package Ideas

The Package Database contains example packages that match all low-ticket offers in our program.

As mentioned in the Offer Mindset & Strategy article. Low-ticket offers are priced between $100-$150 and are designed to create the strongest possible incentive for someone to visit your clinic.

Once they are in, you use the Package Database & Tailored Treatment plan to upgrade them to a better offer.

Step 2: Transfer Packages To Your Tailored Treatment Plan

We recommend starting by transferring 1-2 mid-ticket offers to your Tailored Treatment Plan.

This will give you a good starting point for selling packages.

Once you have sold a few mid-ticket packages and are ready for bigger sales, you can start transferring high-ticket packages to your Tailored Treatment Plan.

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