Sales Strategy

The Trifecta Of Seamless Selling

Selling becomes easy when you have the following in place:

  1. Optimized Sales Environment
  1. Perfect Consultation Sequence
  1. Correct Offer Sequencing

1) Optimized Sales Environment

People who sell stuff are actually selling 2 things:

  1. Content (the “thing” that people consume)
  1. Context (everything that frames the “thing” to make it more valuable. The environment.)

Context is more important than people think.

A lot of people are poor because they suck at context.

Extreme example: This social experiment of Joshua Bell playing violin in the metro.

He’s one of the world’s greatest violinists but is brushed off as a lowly street performer in the video.

This is because his environment is working against him.

>> Is your environment working against you or for you?

Really think about this one.

I doubt your environment is sabotaging you.

It’s more likely that is it’s not supporting you nearly as much as it could.

Putting On A Show: The Sales Choreography

  • Acquiring new patients is 5X more expensive than keeping existing patients.
  • 76% of patients consider themselves a lifetime client after the 3rd visit.
  • The average lifetime value of a patient is $2000.

This is why you must to everything in your power to WOW patients on their first visit.

This is your chance to prove why YOUR clinic the one and why it why it would be crazy to go to anyone else.

Everything should be choreographed and seamless, like it was rehearsed 1000’s of times in preparation for your patient!

This is what truly makes a premium clinic. It’s not just having the best procedures, facility, or staff.

It’s the work you put into ensuring everything flows together perfectly. It takes effort but it will pay off big time and separate you from other clinics.

One of our clients Nathan Strom is an expert at this. Watch this clip below to see how he sets up his sales environment.

Expand to see clip on setting up your sales environment
Expand to how to engage all 5 senses in your sales environment

Sight: Is the clinic spotlessly clean? Does the receptionist warmly greet and smile? What is the TV showing?

Sound: What sort of music is playing? Does that music reflect your brand? Does it create a relaxing and calming environment?

Smell: Does your clinic have its own scent? Can you smell the incredible smell of facials down the call?

Taste: If you’re a premium clinic do you have premium beverages that are offered and served chilled?

Touch: Ensure comfort with quality furnishings and a welcoming physical environment.

Creating Social Proof & Authority

In Anthony Cialdini’s book Influence, there are 2 persuasion principles that you can instantly leverage in your sales environment.

Social Proof

People are wired to “follow the pack”. They don’t care what YOU say about your clinic…They want to see PROOF from others that you are the best.

2 powerful strategies to increase boost social proof:

  1. Implement our Google Review System and collect reviews religiously. Print off the best reviews and frame them in your consultation room.
  1. Make sure you are actively posting RESULTS on your Instagram.
  1. Capture case studies of your most successful clients and combine them together in a booklet for your waiting room table. Ditch the trashy magazines. Better for people get excited while they read through your success stories.


People are more likely trust the advice of authority figures. This is why it’s important to credential yourself before you perform a consultation with a patient.

It’s even better is to have another staff member to credential you.

Before beginning the consultation, make sure the patient knows your track record, your education, certifications, and any areas of specialty.

2) Perfect Consultation Sequence

Improving your consultation process is one of the highest leveraged activities for making more money WHILE getting better client results.

Luckily with this program, we provide an exact consultation process and presentation you can use. You can find it in the Consultation & Closing training.

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3) Packaging Strategy

The Med Spa Offer Ladder shows you how to present the right offers/packages at the right time.

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A complete explanation of all offer types can be found in the Offer Mindset & Strategy training.

Don’t Leave It Up To Clients To Upsell Themselves

This is a losing strategy.

You will get the best results when you one-step-ahead of the clients at all times.

For example, if a new client from META ads comes in for a low-ticket laser facial offer, you should have ready a sequence of packages you can present to that client to get them better results.

How To Execute Your Packaging Strategy

Advance to the How To Build Packages article for discover how to create Offer Sequences.
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