Sales Mindset

Selling Is GOOD

Society teaches us to believe that sales is the “dirty work” of business.

The truth is that sales (when done ethically), a noble pursuit and directly tied to client results.

If you truly believe you can improve someone’s life, you have a moral obligation to get them to commit.

This is why you become an expert at selling your services.

Watch the “Sales State Of Mind” video below to get your mind right around sales!

Priorities Matter

Potential patients “not being able to afford” your treatments usually isn’t about money at all…

… It’s about priorities.

People WILL find a way to purchase if it's a priority for them.

The interesting thing is that people’s priorities are often NOT aligned with their desires.

For example, you could have someone who wants to be healthy & wealthy yet drops $100 every weekend at the bar while scoffing at a $14.95/m audible subscription.

YOUR job is to help align their priorities to their desires.

Expand to see how out-of-wack people’s priorities are
Notion image
Expand for a great strategy to help sell people on the investment into themselves

Next time you have a patient baulk at the price, ask her: “What’s the most expensive clothing item or accessory you own?

It will probably be a $1000+ pair of heels or maybe a purse.

Then ask her: “How often do you use/wear this item and how long have you had it

Ok, so you use that purse maybe 2-3 times per year on special occasions and you’ve had it for 3 years. So you ‘cost per wear’ is currently: 3 years x 3 times per year = 9... you purchased it for $1000 so $1000/9 = roughly $100. Tight now each time you use that purse your ‘cost per wear’ is about $100.”

Then ask: “How many times do you go outside with your face?

Ohhhh damn.

So if you’re like most people you go outside pretty much every day but in this case to be conservative you only go out in public two-thirds of the days of the year, so roughly 240 days.”

This treatment package is going to cost $4000 and the results will last all year, so your ‘cost per wear’ on your gorgeous new face will be $4000/240 = $16. That’s $16 compared to $100 and you get to feel amazing EVERYDAY, not just on special occasions.

When you break it down like this, it becomes painfully obvious how great of an investment cosmetic treatment really is.

Beware Of Labeling People As “Price Shoppers”

“Price-shoppers” aren’t people. Price-shopping is a behaviour that happens when people have options.

Let’s imagine you’re in a food court and are in the market for a burger.

If someone tried to charge you $40, you’d laugh and go to another spot.

Now let’s imagine you’re on a road trip and are absolutely starving. You come across the only fast-food joint in miles. The burgers cost $40 each and are average.

—> Are you going to tell them you usually pay $15 and ask if they can do better?

No, you’re going to fork over the funds and wolf down your $40 burger.

Same person. Different environment. Different behaviour.

Make Yourself The Only Option

The goal of your sales process should be to present you as the only option.

When people have a problem, and view YOU as the one who can solve it, they will pay.

You may be thinking: “how can I be the only option when there are 7 other clinics down the street?”

Yes, you may not be the only option for Botox…

BUT, you can become the only option for people want the best possible results and experience.

The challenge is convincing clients of this when on the surface, you offer similar treatments as everyone else.

Advance to the next article, Sales Strategy to discover how to do this!

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