How To Launch a META Campaign

⚠️ This training has been moved! CLICK HERE to access this training from our new help centre. ⚠️ 

Two Ways To Launch META Ads

The fastest way to launch a campaign is to use our templated ad copy & media, which comes pre-loaded in your account.

The second way is to use our templates as building blocks and modify the ad copy and/or media.

To start open the META Campaign Database and select the offer page that you are interested in and preview the ad copy & ad media.

  • If you are happy with the template (or only need minor changes to the ad copy) proceed to launch steps below. If you would like an area to house and edit your ad copy further, please use your collab doc.
  • If you would like to update the media, please follow our Media Creation Guide and create your desired media edits before moving to the launch steps.

Ad Launch Steps

1. Open Meta Ads & Collab Doc

Open and your Collab Doc in separate windows

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Click Meta Ads, and select launch new campaign. Next select the “Tailored/Custom Campaign”, or find the matching campaign template.

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2. Fill Out Campaign Info

Campaign Type: Lead Form

Daily Budget: We recommend $25-50

Website: This will be found in your collab doc under resources. ⚠️ Do NOT use your business website.

Radius: Advertising radius in miles centered on your business address. Our recommendations are:

3-5 miles : Large, densely populated cities

5-10 miles: Medium cities

10-20 miles: Smaller towns

20+ miles : Sparsely populated rural areas

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3. Add Or Modify Ad Copy

In Campaign Details tab, scroll down, click the Optional Info section, and expand the Ad Text section.

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Here, you can paste in your ad copy, or modify/confirm the existing ad copy.

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4. Select Media

Expand the Ad Media section. Select template to use our templated media. Select client media if you have uploaded media already. Select upload to add new media.

Next, select the media you would like to use.

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5. Launch & Integrate Ad [IMPORTANT]

Select the blue Launch Campaign button to launch.

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After launching, be sure to complete the integration form so that our team can properly integrate your campaign with our software and AI.

Follow the onscreen instructions, or access our integration form through the link below.

How To Preview Ads

To preview your ad and ensure everything is correct, open the Meta Ads preview. Here is How to View & Update Ads

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