Referral Rocket Set Up & User Guide

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How The System Works

The Referral Rocket system is a win-win-win for you, your clients, and their friends. Your clients get to give their friends a $100 treatment credit, and if those friends make a purchase, the referring client also gets a $100 credit! The entire process is made easy through our software.

Set Up Checklist

  1. Review your referral page
    1. How to find your referral page
      If you do NOT see this menu item, send us a message at
      If you do NOT see this menu item, send us a message at
  1. Print & display in office sign, and order 100 take-home referral cards
    1. How to access referral cards & sheet
      1. Open your collab doc
        1. Notion image
      1. Scroll down to the “Referral Rocket” and open your “Referral Assets” link
      1. Here you will find your QR code, and examples of an in office sign/take home card. We recommend using Vista print or canva to order take home cards ($20/100 cards)
  1. Print out referral collection sheets (optional)
    1. Open sheet template
      Click Here to access collection sheet template
  1. Add referral cards & signage to your front desk and consultation/treatment rooms
  1. Collect a form completion incentive (we recommend at least 10 to begin)
    1. What is a form completion incentive, and what to use

      A form completion incentive is a bonus to give to clients just for filling out the sheet, with the goal of helping push past any resistance a person might feel. This should be fast and easy to deliver. Here are some easy examples:

      1. Free product, travel kit, or self care bag
          • Ask your reps (i.e. Allergan, Galderma etc) for free samples
      1. B12 Shot
      1. $5-10 Starbucks gift card
  1. Ensure that all staff members know how to use the referral collection checklist (send them to this page!)

How to Collect Referrals

Active Mode

  1. Ask customers if they would like to refer a friend
    1. How to ask for a referral

      The best times to ask for a referral are after a treatment, or at checkout.

      Here is how to ask:

      “Have you heard about our new referral program?”

      >> No I haven’t

      “Its’ a great way to get some free bonuses for introducing our clinic to your friends/family. Every time a friend you refer comes into the clinic, you both get a $100 treatment credit. We even give a [referral incentive] just for filling out a referral form. Would you be interested?”

      >> Sure

      “The way it works is we send your friend a quick text with a credit, and when they visit, you get a credit too. Do you have anyone off the top of your mind that might be interested? Some of our clients like to check their recent text messages to jog their memory.”

      >> Yep I have someone!

      At this point, you can either give the person the collection sheet, or have them fill out the referral page.

      >> No I can’t think of anyone right now

      “No worries! We actually have a card you can take home so you can submit referrals on your own time. Would you like one?”

  1. Have client complete the referral collection sheet
      • Alternatively, you can give the customer an iPad with the referral page, or have them scan your QR code to access it on their phone.
  1. Take a selfie with the customer
    1. Selfie instructions

      Take a selfie with the client, you can say: “people don’t like texts from strangers and would rather see a picture of your beautiful face!”

      Below is an example of a client selfie. Have fun with this part!

      Notion image
  1. Complete the referral submission page
    1. How to access your submission page

      Access through your QR code (found in your collab doc), or through your GHL account.

      Notion image


Boost Mode utilizes the Booster Shot system to send a text our to your database with your referral offer. This is a great way to let your entire database know of your offer and generate and instant surge of referrals.

Passive Mode

With passive mode, you send clients home with a referral card and they submit it independently. You can hand them out to clients when they can’t think of anyone on the spot to refer, or place them around your office.

Clients are less likely to refer friends if you send the home with the card rather than having them complete it in office. Passive mode should be used on top of Active mode, not in place of it.

Referral Booking Process

  1. Our system will warm up new referrals, and notify you when they are HOT!
  1. Contact Hot Leads as soon as they come in. Don’t wait a day, and hour, or even 15 minutes. Try to contact each Hot Lead within 5 minutes. The sooner the better.
Notion image

Visit the Appointment Booking Workflow training for further instruction on contacting Hot Leads.

  1. When a referral makes a purchase, move them to them as “WON” in your opportunity pipeline.
    1. How to mark opportunity as WON
      1. Go to “Track Leads” and open the contact opportunity card
      Notion image
      1. Under status, select “Won”, and click “update”
      Notion image
  1. When you mark an opportunity as “WON”, a text will be sent to the person who referred the new customer, notifying them that their referral has made a purchase, and they have 90 days to use their new credit.
    1. See referral purchase notification text

      Congrats [contact]

      Your friend [referral name] has made a purchase! Thank you so much for the referral!

      Your account has now been credited with $100!

      This credit is valid for 90 days, please call us to book! :)

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