How To View Email Stats

How To Read Email Blast Stats

  1. Wait at least 24 hours after you’ve sent your email to allow enough time for people to open.
  1. Navigate to “Marketing” → “Emails” → “Campaigns”
  1. Click the three vertical dots on the right of the campaign you want to see stats for, and click “Statistics”
    1. Notion image

How To Read Email Drip Stats

  1. Navigate to “Automation” → “Workflows” → the workflow where you drip campaign is held.
  1. Click on the green “Email” box of the email you want to see stats for.
  1. Click the “Statistics” tab on the top left.
    1. Notion image

Email Stats Benchmarks

Successful Delivery: Should be 95% or higher. If it’s below 95%, send us an email and we’ll help you fix.

Opened: 0-10%: Poor | 10-20%: Ok | 20-30%: Good | 30-50%: Great | 50%+ Amazing


How many people clicked a link in the email. If you’re have an obvious link that you’re driving people to, anything above 15% is a good click rate.

Soft Bounce: The email was not delivered as the recipient's server is unavailable or their inbox is full.

Hard Bounces: The email was not delivered as the email address was not existent or blocked email address. Should be below 3%. If over 3%, message us and we’ll fix.

Unsubscribed: The number of recipients who have unsubscribed from your emails. Unsubscribe events are triggered when the end recipient clicks the unsubscribe appended in the email footer. [Note - Once the contact has unsubscribed, it will not be possible to send the email to them. It would require a special request with acceptable reasons as the contact will have made a diligent choice to unsubscribe]

Spam: The number of recipients who have marked your email as spam. Should be below 1%. If higher, message us and we’ll help fix.

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