How To Set Up Appointment Booking



In this guide we will talk you through how to sync your calendar with our Forever Booked app and set up Appointment Booking. To learn more about Appointment Booking, click on the “What is Appointment Booking” toggle below. To get started right away, skip to the “Pre-requisite” step below.

What is Appointment Booking?

The Appointment Booking feature allows contacts to book In-Person or Virtual Consulations directly with your Clinic. Appointment Booking sync’s with your clinics Calendar, and shows available time slots which contacts can book time slots against, example booking page below:

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Appointment Booking is highly customisable and includes the below features (and many more):

  • In-Person, Virtual or customised Appointments
  • Sync with one central calendar, or multiple staff member calendars
  • Both staff members and clients can quickly and easily book in appointments within a couple of clicks.
  • Add company branding, logo, customised text, images and more to your calendar
  • Option to add to your Website, Ad or booking page.


Add staff members to Forever Booked App
Logging in and configuring your account

Step 1: Configure Your Calendar(s)

Finding your Calendar

Within the Forever Booked App, go to “Settings” → “Calendars”. Here you can set up Virtual Consolation and In-Person Consolation Appointments. Right click on the 3 dots next to the appointment type you want to set up and click “Edit”.

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Filling out Meeting Details
Video Walkthrough

Fill out your meeting details here:

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Mandatory Fields
  • Appointment Distribution (Mandatory)
    • Optimize for availability - Choosing this option will assign appointments based on who has more availability.
    • Optimize for equal distribution - Choosing this option will assign appointments equally between staff members,
  • Select Team Members (Mandatory) - Select one or more staff members you would like to assign appointments to. Staff members need to be set up in order to appear here. Please see step “Pre-requisites” at the start of this guide for more information on this.
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Optional fields
  • Calendar Logo (Optional) - You can choose to add a logo to your calendar by dragging and dropping or clicking “Click to upload”.
  • Calendar Name (Optional) - As default this will be set to either “Virtual Consultation” or “Consultation (In-Person)”. You can choose to rename this to whatever you like.
  • Description (Optional) - You can leave this as default or edit the message in this box.
  • Group - (Do not edit) - The group as default will be set to “Our Calendar”. This does not need to be changed.
  • Custom URL (Optional) - Here you can set a custom URL for your form. You can leave as is, or change to something more friendly like consolation-mycompanyname.
  • Meeting invite title (Optional) - This is what the meeting name will appear like in your calendar, by default it will show the name, meeting type and location.
  • Event Color (Optional) - Here you can select a color to assign to team members.

Once you have selected your team members or shared calendar for booking appointments, we now need to set a Meeting Location. Using the drop down box, you can select a default location for the meetings to take place.

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  • Virtual Appointment - you can choose Zoom, Google Meet, or Custom for virtual consultations. Please note that users will need to integrate their Zoom or Google accounts as part of the pre-requisite steps (above) in order to select this option. Alternatively you can set a custom location, and input your personal meeting room ID into this field. Steps on how to find your Zoom personal meeting ID can be found here
  • Phone Appointment - Select option “Phone” to use your business line, or “Custom” to input a custom number.
  • In Person Appointment - Selection option “Location” to use your location saved on our system. This will auto populate “{{location.full_address}}” and does not need to be changed. Alternatively select “Custom” and type in a custom location.
  • Priority (Optional) - If “Optimize for Availability” is selected in the appointment distribution settings, you will have an additional option to prioritise staffs members for distribution here.
  • Event Color (Optional)- Here you can set a color you would like your calendar to appear as.

Once complete, click “Save” in the top right to go to the next stage.

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Set your Calendar Availability
Set Availability of your Calendar

In this section you can set the availability of your Virtual or In Person Appointments. Please note that staff members will set up their own availability in a different section when setting up their account. Clients will only be able to book within the staff members set times.

You can set either wide parameters to accommodate all staff members working hours, or your clinics hours, e.g 8:00am-6:00pm Monday to Saturday.

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Once you have set the desired times for your Clinic’s Virtual or In Person Appointments, you can click “Save” in the top right. You can now also select “Close” in the top right and skip to the “Activate your Calendar” section. If you would like further customisable options, e.g a payment option, custom notifications, additional notes and more, continue to the Optional Fields section below.

Set Availability of your Team members

In the pre-requisite step (earlier in this guide), your staff member can set their available times, e.g 10:30am-5:00pm, Monday to Saturday (excluding Tuesday). When a client goes to book, if you only have 1 staff member, the client will only be able to book within the staff members times 10:30am-5:00pm, Monday to Saturday (excluding Tuesday). Admins can also set staff member availability by going to Settings —> My Staff and clicking “Edit” next to their name.

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Optional Fields (Forms & Payment, Notifications, Customizations)

Here you can set optional choices like payment options, custom notifications, additional notes and more, You can choose to skip this section by click “Save” then “Close” or continue reading to customise these sections.

Forms and Payment
Notifications & Additional Options

Allow Staff Selection Allow Cancelation Link

Activate your Calendar

When you are ready to activate your calendar, go back to Settings —> Calendars and click on the 3 dots next to the calendar you want to activate. Next click “Activate Calendar”. Once complete your calendar is now live!

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Step 2: Test Appointment

Find your Booking Link

Individual Calendars - You can find your booking link by going to Settings —> Calendars. Next, click on the 3 dots next to your chosen calendar and select “Copy Permanent Link”

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Calendar Group - You can also find a link to your booking group page. This is helpful if you would like to provide a link where clients can choose between Virtual and In-Person Consultations. You can find this link by going to Settings —> Calendars —> Groups. Next, click on the 3 dots next to “Our Calendar” and select “Copy Permanent Link

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Testing your Booking Link & Pipeline

Open your booking link in a new tab or window and follow the steps to make an Appointment. Check at the end if you received the confirmation text and email.

Next, in the Forever Booked App go to Opportunities and see if you new booking is appearing under the “Appointments Booked” pipeline stage.

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Video Guide

Step 3: Send to Forever Booked for Review

Add-on Request Form

After configuring, complete the Add-On Request Form HERE.

We will go ahead and double-check to make sure everything is working correctly and will notify you once the system is ready to use.

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