How To Update AI Knowledge

Opening AI Knowledge Base

Click the AI Knowledge link in your side bar.

Notion image

This will open up an editable spreadsheet that contains all of your ai’s knowledge.

Notion image

Updating AI Knowledge

Keep the following rules in mind when updating your ai knowledge:

  1. Add only 1 service per cell in the “Service List Column”
  1. If you are running a special, use the special name as the service name (for example “Forever Young Injection Package”
  1. All FAQ’s for a given service, must be held within the same cell next to the service, otherwise the AI will not know what service the FAQ is attached to.
      • To start a new line within the same cell
        • “Command + Enter” on Mac
        • “Control + Enter” on PC
  1. All FAQ’s must be structured as Q: [question here] A: [answer here]
  1. DO NOT change the header (first row) names

Update Walkthrough

In the video below we walk through:

  1. How to add a new service
  1. How to add a new special (like a new ad campaign)
  1. Ho to add service FAQ’s
  1. How to add general FAQ’s

Guidelines On Pricing Questions

One of the most common questions is “how much is your [fill in the blank]”. When this happens, the person is showing interest in purchasing. The goal is to get that person on the phone, or in the clinic, so that you perform a proper consultation, to give more context to your pricing.

If you answer with “it costs $XX”, the conversation usually dies. Here are some alternate approaches you can use to extend the conversation to a a sales opportunity.

Q: How much is [treatment]?

A: We typically charge $X, however pricing varies based on your individual needs, and we always work to create a customized treatment plans to suit your budget :)

A: Our regular pricing is $X, but we tailor a treatment plan just for you during your visit, and we build a customized the plan to fit your needs and budget :)


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