Ad Performance & Optimization

How To View Ad Performance

Open Meta Ads → Metrics. Toggle the dropdown to view individual ad metrics.

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You can also view ad metrics from the reporting tab.

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Performance Benchmarks

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Low Performance Diagnosis

Step 1: Review The “What Matters Most Pyramid”

When a campaign is not performing, it is usually due to a low quality offer.

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Step 2: Review your offer (80% of underperformance comes from poor offer construction.)

  • Are you using our recommended offers?
    • Are you using recommended price points?

      How close are you to the provided recommendations?

Step 3: Review your media

  • Compare your media with our examples
    • Is the media following our guidelines?

Trouble Shooting Poor Performance

Note: If you would like our team to review your ads & provide guidance please submit a support ticket.

Poor Performance From The Start

The most impactful changes you can make to improve ad performance (in order of importance) are:

  1. Update/improve the offer, or make it more clear
  1. Update media
  1. Update ad copy.
  1. Update audience targeting

Gradual Decline In Performance

If your ad performed very well initially, but performance has dropped off here are the easiest ways to boost performance.

  1. Test new ad media
  1. Change the radius of the ads to reach new population
  1. Update the offer

We recommend attending one of our support calls so we can review your campaign and provide specific instructions.

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