Set Up Checklist & Daily Workflow

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✅ Set Up Checklist

  1. Download the mobile app, and bookmark
    1. How To Download the Mobile App
      Notion image
  1. Set Up Text To Pay Links
    1. Text To Pay Configuration

      Text to pay links are an easy way to facilitate a credit card deposit, and will increase your phone close rates.

      1. Open you account and go to Settings → Integrations
      1. Select “Connect With Stripe”
      1. Follow the on screen instructions
        1. Notion image
  1. Edit & Print Phone Call Script
    1. Phone Scripts Templates
      1. Open the phone script through the links below
      Booster Shot Phone Call Script (for sms campaigns to existing patients)
      New Patient Phone Call Script (for new patient campaigns)
      1. Click file → Make a copy. This will create a version of the document you can edit
        1. Notion image
  1. Decide on what type of prepayment you will take.
    1. Pre-payment options
      Always collect pre-payment before booking appointments. If you do not collect pre-payment, expect the appointment show-up rate to be <20%

      We recommend charging a $50 deposit to confirm the appointment, that goes towards the total price of the intro offer. For example, if the intro offer is for $97, you charge $50 over the phone and the remaining $47 in the clinic.

      You can also charge the full value of the intro offer (for example: $97) prior to booking the appointment.

      Payment is collected directly over the phone, or through a text to pay link.

  1. Review Script Walkthrough & A/B Credit Card Close
    1. Script Walkthrough

      Booster Shot Script Walkthrough

      New Patient Script Walkthrough


      A/B Close To Make It Easier To Get The Credit Card

      "Wonderful! So just one last thing - we do have a very busy office so no shows really disturb our schedule. To avoid any no-shows and for your appointment to get locked into our calendar with the savings, we take all payments over the phone to reserve your spot! You can either just tell me your card number and I can take care of it for you! Or if you don’t feel comfortable with that (which I totally understand), I can send you a link to your phone, and you can do it yourself! What works better for you [NAME]?”
  1. Review & practice the software basics and daily workflow.

Software Basics Training 🏫

How To View A Conversation
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How To Send A Text To Pay Link
  1. Open the conversation tab
  1. Click “$” Request Payment button
    1. Notion image
  1. Enter item name, and payment amount, then click copy link & mark as sent
    1. Notion image
How To Use A Text Template

In the conversation window, select insert template, and choose your template.

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How To Edit/Create A Text Template

Select Email + Socials → Templates. From here you can add or edit text templates.

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How To Update An Opportunity
  • Select “Track leads” in software sidebar.
  • Drag & drop contact cards to move stages
    • Notion image
  • Click on the contact card to update opportunity status & value
    • Notion image
How The Sales Pipeline Works

The pipeline is designed to keep track of leads, and ensure that the AI follows up properly. Opportunities are moved throughout the Sales Pipeline using both automated and manual strategies.

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Click the drop-downs below to see an explanation of each pipeline stage:

❄️ COLD Leads (AI Engaged)
  • AI actively engaging lead to get them to respond
  • No manual contact required
🔥 HOT Leads
  • Contact ASAP. Follow Appointment Booking Workflow.
  • The AI is disengaged
✨ AI Followup
  • Drag people here if no response from initial contact
  • Drag people here if you have sent a payment link, and want to remind the person to pay
  • Drag people here if you have sent an outbound text, and are waiting for a reply
  • No manual contact required
  • AI fill follow up 5 times before moving the lead to the recycle list
♻️ Recycle List
  • Automatically moved here if no response in ✨ AI Followup
  • No manual contact required
  • Can reach out with future offers to re-engage
📆 Appt Booked
  • Drag people here manually once an appointment is booked
  • If booking appointments through our software, people will be moved here automatically
❌ Cancel/No-Show
  • Drag people here manually if they cancel or no-show
  • If booking appointments through our software, people will be moved here automatically
  • Can manually drag people into recycle list if you want them to receive future followup
✅ Showed
  • Drag people here manually once the lead has showed up

Daily Workflow 🔨

How To Contact Leads
  1. Review the conversation with the lead from the conversations tab.
  1. Dial the lead from your office phone, or directly from the software. Always dial again if the prospect doesn’t pick up the first time. This increases pickup rates.
  1. If still no answer - text the lead. We recommend sending the “Initiate Booking” template.
    1. See how
      Notion image
  1. If you still haven’t gotten a response - move the lead to the “✨AI Followup”, so the AI re-engages the lead.
    1. See how
      Moving to “✨AI Followup” pipeline stage via conversations.
      Moving to “✨AI Followup” pipeline stage via conversations.
      Moving to “✨AI Followup” pipeline stage via opportunities (Track Leads).
      Moving to “✨AI Followup” pipeline stage via opportunities (Track Leads).
Collecting A Deposit On Phone

If you are using the A/B phone close, and the lead requests a payment link rather than to provide their credit card over the phone:

  1. Send the text template: “Text Before Sending Link”
  1. Send the lead a Text-To-Pay link.
  1. Once payment is collected, move to confirming appointment.
Collecting Deposit Via SMS Close

In some cases you may book the appointment entirely through text and will not speak to the lead over the phone. To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. Confirm an appointment time.
  1. Send the “Request Pre-Payment” text template. Once the lead has responded, you can either:
    1. Call the lead to collect pre-payment
    2. Send the lead a Text-To-Pay link
  1. If the lead does not respond, add them to “✨AI Followup” so the AI re-engages the lead.
Appointment Booking Procedure
  1. Send the lead the “Appointment Booked” confirmation template (or use your own emr to confirm)
  1. Move the lead to “📅 Appointment Booked” in the Sales Pipeline.

Troubleshooting ⚙️

Leads Are Not Answering The Phone

1. Strive to contact Hot Leads within 5 minutes

The #1 reason our clients experience low pickup rates is not calling Hot Leads fast enough. If you are waiting days or even hours to contact Hot Leads, a low pickup rate is expected.

Although contacting Hot Leads within 5 minutes isn’t always possible, make it a priority to contact hot leads as fast as you can.

Remember, these are people that want to come in and spend money. If they don’t hear back from you, they will go to a competitor.

2. Make sure to always dial twice

Always dial again if the prospect doesn’t pick up the first time. This has been shown to increase pickup rates.

3. Text the lead if they don’t pick up

Many people today simply don’t take calls from people they don’t know. This is why we use text as well.

4. Move unresponsive leads into “✨AI Followup” pipeline stage

This ensures our AI system follows up with leads that have gone cold, to re-engage them and increase the chances of booking.

People Don’t Want To Give Their Credit Card

1. Ensure you are using our phone script

Our script has been designed and rigorously tested to make it as easy as possible to collect a credit card over the phone.

2. Utilize the A/B Credit Card Close With Text To Pay Links

3. Ensure You Know Your Value & Have The Right Mindset

New patients are lucky they get to visit you, not the other way around. If you have a good offer, it is totally reasonable to collect $25-$50 up-front to secure someone’s spot.

Appointment No-Shows

You can get a further breakdown of these strategies from our How To STOP Med Spa No-Shows video on Youtube.

  1. Make sure you are collecting a credit card deposit.
    1. The #1 reason our clients experience high no-show rates is failure to collect credit card deposits. If you do not collect a deposit, do not expect people to show.

  1. Ensure you are confirming the appointment time and address/parking information via sms & email.
    1. You should be making it extremely hard for someone NOT to show up. This means over-communicating and make sure they have exact instructions on how to arrive at your clinic.

  1. Ensure you are using an SMS & email reminder system for appointments
  1. Call the day before to confirm the appointment.
    1. This takes more effort but it is still better than the time and money wasted due to no-shows.

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