How To Choose An Offer

How To Choose An Offer

You can either choose offers yourself or have us do it for you.

1) Self-Serve Option:

Fastest option that gets easier over time as you get better at offer selection.

  1. Review the Med Spa Almanac below. This will show you what campaigns are best depending on the season and other important variable.
  1. If you are launching a META campaign (to attract new clients), review the META Campaign Database, taking into account your findings from the Med Spa Almanac.
  1. If you are launching a Booster Shot (to bring back existing clients), choose an offer from the Booster Shot Campaign Database.
  1. If you would like feedback or further advice on the offers you chose, attend a daily support call or submit a support ticket. Click here to access support call schedule and support ticket form.
Please do not use the support calls to build your offer from scratch. Only attend once you have gone through steps 1-4 above. This ensures the support call time is used as efficiently as possible.

2) Done-For-You Option

Less work required but slower (Transformation Plan take up to 5 business days to receive).

If you would us to to pick an offer for you, you can either:

a) Complete the Transformation Plan Builder if you haven’t yet. We will build you a complete clinic Transformation Plan including recommended offers.

a) Submit a Support Ticket with your notes and we will pick an offer for you.

Med Spa Almanac

Use this resource to help decide what offers to run, and when.

Seasonal Campaign Guide

Notion image

General Considerations

  • Consider availability of staff. Only launch a campaign if you have ample space in your schedule to perform consultations.

Location Tips

  • Ad costs are the lowest in Middle-America.
  • Treatment pricing is highest on the west coast and gets lower the further you go east. NYC & Miami are exceptions. Expect pricing to be higher on coasts.
  • If you’re in a southern area, you can run laser campaigns year round.
  • If you’re in an expensive urban market (LA, NYC, Miami, Chicago), expect high ad costs. If you want lower ad costs in these areas, use low-ticker offers and focus on creative bonuses to add as much value to your offers as possible.
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